Spring Pastels

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Even though it's rainy and slightly cold these days in The Netherlands, my mind is all about Spring. I love this time of the year when you pack away all the dark colored clothes, and light pastel clothes take their place. A pastel colored nail polish (I have the purple one from Essie) can already britghen the spirit so much. How cute is this skirt btw! So easy to match this time of the year; with a sweater for colder days and with a cute top for warm days. I'll make a combination with a top as well! It will be online later this wee. 

So, after a silence on this blog I'm back and ready to take it seriously. I want to post outfits daily to keep you inspired and also give tips on how and where to buy fair fashion.
All input/ideas are welcome! 💛💜

P.s. Do you want the looks to be with links to stores where you can buy the items? Or is it fine like this without the links? I'm struggling because I don't want to stimulate shopping fast fashion, but I can imagine you would want to know where you can buy a cute skirt like this..... So let me know what you think!! 😀

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